We have Cavapoos & Purebred Cavalier puppies available!!
208-680-3685 texts accepted and preferred.
Cavapoos, Poodles, Goldendoodles, and King Charles Cavaliers
Shipping Considerations
Please read through our shipping policy BEFORE placing a deposit on a puppy if you need
puppy transported to you!!
​Picture schedule
1st week - group shot
4 weeks - Individuals (4-5 pics)
5 weeks - face shot
6 weeks - face shot and video
7 weeks face shot
8 weeks (pick-up)
Stud Service
We do offer a few of our boys for stud service. Please contact me about availability.
We are no longer offering AKC registration to purebred puppies born using one of our studs! They will have to be sold as pets only. We are able to AI on site.
Chester is an AKC registered, miniature dark red Poodle. He is 12 lbs. and 12.5 inches tall. He is solid red with no white. He typically throws deep red puppies with lots of curl. He is very smart and athletic. He is great around kids and loves to play and run around the yard. Being a poodle, he is hypoallergenic and non-shedding. He has been health tested clear for DM, GM2, OCD, NEWS, vWD1, and PRA-PRCD. He is also F/F (furnishings)
Available for stud service $850
(Son of Player and Sophie) Rudy is an AKC registered King Charles Cavalier. He is Ruby with a small white patch on his chest. He is 16-17 lbs and about 12 inches tall. Rudy is clear by parentage for DM and CKCSID. He is clear of EFS through pawprint genetics. Stud service with Rudy is $1200
Willy is an F1 Cavapoo. He is about 12 inches tall and 8lbs. We love his dark red, soft coat and adorable puppy face!! Willy is one of our puppies bred here at Rocky Desert. Both his parents are clear of genetic diseases for their breed so Willy is also. He is so cuddly and loving... a typical cavapoo. His favorite spot is on our lap and he could run around the back yard all day. Willy's official health testing is pending.
Oliver is an AKC registered miniature poodle. He stands 14 inches tall and is 14 lbs. He is red with white markings (abstract). He has been health tested with Embark. Oliver loves to be outside. He could spend hours exploring and playing with our kids. We love his dark red coat and that a lot of his puppies get his sable gene. He is also FF for furnishings